Soldering Wires to Motor

With a pliers, make a hook at one end of each of the red and black wires that are included with the Robot Chasis kit. Solder these ends to the motors. By convention you can solder the red wire to the right side of the motor when looking at the back end of the motor. Solder the black wire to the left side. Note that to drive forward one wheel will be going clockwise and one wheel will be going counterclockwise.

Attaching battery to chasis

Attach the battery to the plexiglass chassis. Many designs place the batteries on the bottom of the chasis.
However, you can also place the batteries on the top of the chasis if you move the Motor Controller to the bottem of the chasis.

Attach main breadboard to chasis

Attach motor controller to chasis

Attach power toggle switch to chasis

Solder headers to Arduino Nano

Plug into breadboard

Wiring Connections

Motor to Motor Controller

Attache the positive and negative wires of the Motors

Battery to Switch

Swtich to Motor Controller

Motor Conrtoller to positive rails of breadboard

Motor Controller to 4 PWM Pins